Week 8 French and German Protest Songs

Compiling this playlist proved surprisingly difficult! I found few videos with English subtitles, and most of the translations I found elsewhere are also rough. Please do your best to get a sense of the lyrics and how they interact with the music. The songs on this list are:

  1. Dominque Grange (French), “Les Nouveaux Partisans”
  2. Georges Brassens (France), “Le Gorille”
  3. Léo Ferré (France), “Les Anarchistes”
  4. Wolf Biermann (West Germany), “Soldat, Soldat” (lyrics: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/soldat-soldat-soldier-soldier.html)
  5. Bettina Wegner (West Germany), “Kinder (Sind so kleine hände)” (lyrics: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/kinder-children.html#songtranslation)
  6. Tom Steine Scherben (West Germany), “Die letzte Schlacht gewinen wir” (lyrics: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/die-letzte-schlacht-gewinnen-wir-well-win-last-battle.html)
  7. Walter Mossmann (West Germany), “Lied vom Lebensvogel”(lyrics: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/walter-mossmann-lied-vom-lebensvogel-lyrics.html)

Here is the playlist: